Computer-Mediated Cooperative Learning: Synchronous and Asynchronous
Communication Between Students Learning Nursing Diagnosis.
Ph.D. Thesis. © 1991 Dr. Rob Higgins

Appendix A


A.1 Pre-task Questionnaire

             Nursing Student CMC Pre-task Questionnaire

                                    Date: .......................

Participant ID and Login:  .................................

NOTES: 1. Please complete this questionnaire before starting
           the case study.                  
       2. Remember that your responses are strictly confidential.

Please answer the following questions:

1. How old are you?                             ..........  years

2. Which sex are you?                            Female     Male

3. What was the highest level of education you attained before
   entering your current nursing program?   (check one)

         ...... some highschool
         ...... highschool diploma
         ...... some college
         ...... college diploma
         ...... some university
         ...... university degree
         ...... other (please specify).......................


4. Were computers an important component in any of your previous
   educational activities?  (check one)

         ...... not at all important
         ...... minor importance
         ...... reasonably important
         ...... major importance
         ...... centrally important (as in computer science)

5. Did you complete the computer-based lesson
   called "Introduction to Nursing Diagnosis"?       Yes     No

6. Do you have regular access to a computer for your
    personal work?                                   Yes     No

7. Do you use a wordprocessor?  (check one)
         ...... not at all
         ...... rarely
         ...... sometimes
         ...... often
         ...... for all my letters and essays

8. Do you use a typewriter?  (check one)
         ...... not at all
         ...... rarely
         ...... sometimes
         ...... often
         ...... for all my letters and essays

9. How do you rate your understanding of computers? (check one)

         ......  no understanding of computers
         ......  very little understanding of computers
         ......  average understanding of computers
         ......  better than average understanding of computers
         ......  excellent understanding of computers

10. How do you rate your computer skills? (check one)

         ......  no computer skills
         ......  very few computer skills
         ......  average computer skills
         ......  better than average computer skills
         ......  excellent computer skills

11. How do you rate your wordprocessing skills? (check one)

         ......  no wordprocessing skills
         ......  very few wordprocessing skills
         ......  average wordprocessing skills
         ......  better than average wordprocessing skills
         ......  excellent wordprocessing skills

12. How do you rate your typing skills? (check one)

         ......  no typing skills
         ......  very few typing skills
         ......  average typing skills
         ......  better than average typing skills
         ......  excellent typing skills

13. In terms of your marks this year,
                  how are you doing? (check one)

         ......  very high marks
         ......  above average marks
         ......  average marks
         ......  less than average marks
         ......  failing some subjects

   (please return to Rob Higgins, Rm 3-346, OISE, U. of T.)


A.2 Post-task Questionnaire

             Nursing Student CMC Post-task Questionnaire

                              Date: .......................

Participant ID and Login:  .................................

NOTES: 1. Please complete and hand in this questionnaire
          before leaving.

     2. Remember that your responses are strictly confidential.

     3. For each of the following, please circle a response that
        corresponds to the following scale:

                 SA = Strongly Agree
                  A = Agree
                  N = Neither agree or disagree (neutral)
                  D = Disagree
                 SD = Strongly Disagree

1. I am satisfied with the nursing diagnoses
               and the care plans we discussed   SA  A  N  D  SD

2. We worked well together                       SA  A  N  D  SD

3. It was easy to get my ideas across            SA  A  N  D  SD

4. My partner seemed to have difficuties with
                            the computer system  SA  A  N  D  SD

5. The whole thing was quite stressful           SA  A  N  D  SD

6. My partner was good at providing ideas        SA  A  N  D  SD

7. Communicating by computer is frustrating      SA  A  N  D  SD

8. We planned and organized our activities well  SA  A  N  D  SD

9. I feel I contributed more than my partner     SA  A  N  D  SD

10. My partner has a good impression of me       SA  A  N  D  SD

11. It was an exciting way to use the computer   SA  A  N  D  SD

12. My partner was a good motivator              SA  A  N  D  SD

13. Our nursing diagnoses were not well stated   SA  A  N  D  SD

                                                    continued ...

If you have any comments about this project, the computer
program or the collaboration process, please write them below:





   (please return to Rob Higgins, Rm 3-346, OISE, U. of T.)