Computer-Mediated Cooperative Learning: Synchronous and Asynchronous
Communication Between Students Learning Nursing Diagnosis.
Ph.D. Thesis. © 1991 Dr. Rob Higgins

Appendix D


CASE     - xxc where xx is case = 1-38 and c is card = 1-2
GRP      - asynch = 1, synch = 2, ftf = 3
DYAD     - x = 1-9
PTNR     - partner x = 1-38
TRND     - transcript data n=0, y=1

-----------  Items from pre-task questionnaire -----------

AGE      - years: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, ...

SEX      - female: 0   male: 1

EDU      - highest level of education
                - some highschool:  1
                - highschool dip.:  2
                - some college   :  3
                - college diploma:  4
                - some university:  5
                - university deg.:  6
                - other          :  7   

PCED      - previous computer component in education programs
                - not at all     :  1
                - minor          :  2
                - reasonably     :  3
                - major          :  4
                - central        :  5

CND       - completed computer-based nursing diagnosis lesson
                - NO  :  0
                - YES :  1

CACC      - access to computer for personal work
                - NO  :  0
                - YES :  1

UWP       - use of wordprocessor
                - not at all            :  1
                - rarely                :  2
                - sometimes             :  3
                - often                 :  4
                - all letters and essays:  5

UTYP      - use of typewriter
                - not at all            :  1
                - rarely                :  2
                - sometimes             :  3
                - often                 :  4
                - all letters and essays:  5

CPUN      - understanding of computers
                - none                  :  1
                - very little           :  2
                - average               :  3
                - better than average   :  4
                - excellent             :  5

CPSK      - computer skills
                - none                  :  1
                - very few              :  2
                - average               :  3
                - better than average   :  4
                - excellent             :  5

WPSK      - wordprocessing skills
                - none                  :  1
                - very few              :  2
                - average               :  3
                - better than average   :  4
                - excellent             :  5

TPSK      - typing skills
                - none                  :  1
                - very few              :  2
                - average               :  3
                - better than average   :  4
                - excellent             :  5

MRKS      - marks this year
                - failing some subs.    :  1
                - less than average     :  2
                - average               :  3
                - above average         :  4
                - very high marks       :  5

YR        - year in the nursing program
                - first year            :  1
                - second year           :  2

----------------  Transcript Codes -----------------------

- Cognitive/Collaborative item counts -

FRM, formulating problems (cog)

ARG, arguing  (cog)

RSP, direct response used with ARG (cog)

OPN, giving an opinion  (cog)

INF, giving information  (cog)

QSTF, facilitative question

QSTI, asking for information  (cog)

CLR, clarifying  (cog)

MGM, managing the task  (cog)

FCL, facilitative statements

DBL, debilitative statements

PRS, personal comment/activity

UNC, uncodeable

WCNT, word count

- Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Care Plan Evaluations -

NDF1     - nursing diagnosis #1 form
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

NDC1     - nursing diagnosis #1 correctness
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

NDF2     - nursing diagnosis #2 form
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

NDC2     - nursing diagnosis #2 correctness
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

NCPF     - nursing care plan form
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

NCPC     - nursing care plan correctness
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

APC      - attention to principles and criteria
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

ICA      - individual contribution to adherence
                                     (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 (good)

INTEX    - most intense exchanges relative to session time
                                 (beginning) 1 2 3 4 5 (end)

------------  Items from post-task questionnaire -------------

SATND      - satisfied with nursing diagnosis
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

WWLL       - we worked well together
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

EID        - easy to get ideas across
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

PDIF       - partner had difficulties with computer 
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

QSTRS      - thing was quite stressful
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

PID        - partner good at providing ideas
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

CFRS       - comm. by comp. is frustrating
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

POA        - planned and organized well
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

ICONT      - I contributed more
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

PIMP       - partner has good impression of me
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

CEXC       - exciting way to use the computer
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

PMOT       - partner was good motivator
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

NDST       - nursing diagnosis not well stated
                - strongly agree        :  5
                - agree                 :  4
                - neutral               :  3
                - disagree              :  2
                - strongly disagree     :  1

------------  Items from post-task interview  -------------

STPS       - did you stick to the steps of ND/NCP
                                         n = 0, y = 1

NSTPS      - number of steps stated in interview
                                        # =  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

WSTPS      - who thought of the steps
                            - both    : 0
                            - myself  : 1
                            - partner : 2

THNK       - (synch) did you stop to think
                                         n = 0, y = 1

BAK        - (asynch) was it hard to get back into it
                                         n = 0, y = 1

AWAY       - (asynch) did you think about it between
                                         n = 0, y = 1

INTNS      - when was the interaction most intense
                             (beginning) 1 2 3 4 5 (end)

PROB       - what was bigger problem
                             - neither   : 0
                             - computer  : 1
                             - ND/NCP    : 2
                             - both      : 3

TIME       - time to complete the task
                             - not enough        : 1
                             - enough            : 2
                             - more than enought : 3

KPTNR      - do you know who your partner was
                                         n = 0, y = 1

-------------  Comment Categories ------------------------

CMT   - comments revealed:
              - general frustration            :1
              - typing problems                :2
              - time too short                 :3
              - slow communication process     :4
              - synchronous would be better    :5
              - liked the interaction          :6
              - generally beneficial           :7

-------------  ----------------